Want better teamwork?
Welcome to The Good Teammate Factory…where we build good teammates!
Everybody wants teamwork on their team, but teamwork doesn’t happen without good teammates—individuals whose unique way of thinking propels their team to success no matter what team they are on. Whether it is sports, family, school, church, or work, the situation is the same.
The Good Teammate Factory is an online course designed to help team members gain greater insight into the art of being a good teammate. It is an ideal way to improve teamwork, reduce selfishness, and draw teams closer together.
Teams engage in the course content and activities together in a group setting such as a meeting room or classroom. The course is flexible in that it can be completed in a single sitting or divided up and stretched out over a series of meetings.
We offer two different tracks to the course. One track is specifically designed for sports teams. The other track is intended for corporate teams and staff development. Both options follow the same format and include the same great message. But they utilize different examples and make use of language that is applicable to their particular teams.
If you want to improve your teamwork, enrolling in The Good Teammate Factory is your solution!
What would it be worth to have better teammates on your team?
• More fun!
• Better memories!
• Increased Efficiency!
• Reduced anxiety!
• Greater productivity!
• More victories!
This Good Teammate Factory track is designed to help the members of sports teams become better teammates. It is the perfect preseason activity or mid-season tune-up. Team culture will be positively impacted by this experience.
This Good Teammate Factory track is designed for corporate teams and administrative staffs. It is the perfect activity for staff development days and is guaranteed to get staff members to work together to become better teammates.
In the course you will:
- Explore the “Good Teammate” mindset.
- Learn how to recognize selfish tendencies that disrupt your team’s culture.
- Learn strategies for confronting toxic behaviors on your team.
- Discover the Five Keys to being a good teammate.
- Learn specific terminology that encourages teamwork.
- Deepen your understanding of how to put WE ahead of ME.
- And much, much more!!!

“Highly recommend! In 2021, our team was 5-11 and was dismissed from the state playoffs in the first round. In 2022, we did “The Good Teammate Factory” in the weeks leading up to our first practice. It empowered our team to tackle conflict in a constructive way. We recognized each other for our strengths as well as our differences. The difference in 2022? We were 14-7 and made it to the round of 16 in the state playoffs. This curriculum was a contributing factor for sure!!!”
—Gary Pottebaum
Turpin High School
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